www.TheSeekersRoundTable.org TM

Hello!  If you find yourself on this page, it is because I have not completely built the new site under this web address yet.
You need to go to my main website www.DragonTea.net or to our MeetUp page at http://www.meetup.com/TheSeekersRoundTable, for information about The Seeker's Round Table
TM   (a.k.a. TSRT)

You will find info there for TSRT, my numerology classes/work, my pendulums, newsletter, local area classes/events, etc..
If you are looking for information about my crochet designs and regular blog articles, you need to go to http://www.AberrantCrochet.wordpress.com
You will find a link for my stores and galleries there as well.

I do all my own web development, in my "spare time," and well, being self-taught it is slow going.
And this is all a public spiritual service anyway.  For now it is easier to update the one website than multiples.

If you like the newsletters, my numerology outlooks and the free services I provide,
please consider making a couple dollar appreciation donation to the cause or attending one of our monthly classes.
I promote teachers and students' businesses alike.  Please consider us when you win business thanks to our referral.
You can find a Paypal donation button on the front page of www.DragonTea.net.  Donations are not tax deductable.

 TSRT pays it's speakers and it's hosts, and helps provide refreshments at every meeting/class.
The $11 class donation goes immediately towards all these payees first as TSRT is founded on the principle of the cycle of give/receive, that there must be an exchange of energy.
Without the teacher and the host, there would be no class or place for people to come together.  We value and appreciate their time and efforts.

Door prize drawing are held at every monthly class and are donated by members and teachers alike. 
It is a nice energy to foster and you are more than welcome to join in!

Contact info(at)dragontea.com to join the mailing list or for more info.

Thanks for visiting!